Monday 22 July 2013

Auto Loan Refinancing and the Race Against Car Depreciation

Owning a car redounds to having access to a variety of conveniences. You have improved mobility and you are not confined to stay in areas covered by public transportation. You have the capacity to travel privately and in your own time. Unfortunately for the average individual, securing a car also involves the process of securing an auto loan to make the payments easier on the pocket at least in the immediate sense. Now this makes sense especially for individuals with good cash flow management. For the average person however, this is a bad decision in the long run as auto loans charge interest based on terms, which are given by the financial company based on your credit record.

It is clear therefore that you should always make an effort to secure an auto loan with favorable terms, which can help you save money in the long run. This is often possible through the process of auto loan refinancing.

Not too many people understand refinancing in its elementary sense. Common knowledge dictates that loan refinancing is a solution offered by financial companies to keep you on your feet in the event that you are suddenly incapable of paying for a loan. No definition could be more abysmally wrong than that, especially in the context of auto loans. Loan refinancing in layman's terms is the process by which you, the debtor, transfer the liabilities and encumbrances of a standing loan to a financial company who will serve as your new creditor. The financial company will assume the obligation of either paying off your loan or putting the old loan in their name and paying up on due dates to avoid possible default. In turn, you will assume a new financial obligation under the second company under their terms. Realistically speaking, there is no actual reduction of your debt. Rather, auto loan refinancing restructures your debt under such terms that will allow you to save more in the long run. On its face, there are so many factors in this arrangement, which you can make the most of.

Financial companies want you to be transacting with them instead of other financial companies. They want to be the ones earning from your interest payments. They are all too willing to offer you the best possible terms for an auto loan if only they be given a chance to wrest your account from the ledgers of a different financial company. Unfortunately for car owners, regardless of how much a financial company wishes to do business, they hardly ever offer more in refinancing services that the current appraised value of your car. This means that refinancing, in order to be effective, should be secured in the early stages of the auto loan when the car has yet to depreciate from usual wear and tear.

It must be remembered that auto loans are also structured in such a way that interest payments are p aid ahead of the principal. This assures the bank that it will earn interest before anything else. The affectivity of loan refinancing is greatly reduced after the first few months of payment because by then, the debtor would have already forked over money, which did not reduce the principal obligation.

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